Resolute Wrangler (Samurai/Gunslinger)

On the wild frontiers, many struggle to make a living. As such, some turn to illicit means, stealing the hard earned profits and tools of others. Enter the resolute wrangler. These wandering gunmen can be found serving as simple lawmen, protecting the towns and ranches that hire them, while others live up to their names, bring those who make trouble and cause problems for the common folk to justice. While many resolute wranglers honorably hunt down outlaws because it the right thing to do, others do so for the money they can earn or for the simple thrill of the hunt. Regardless of the cause, resolute wranglers are ferocious and unrelenting pursuers. (Original Concept by Taco Man)

Primary Class: Samurai.

Secondary Class: Gunslinger.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d10.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The bounty hunter may select three gunslinger skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal samurai class skills. The bounty hunter gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The bounty hunter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all firearms, and with light and medium armor, but not with shields. 

Deeds: At 1st level, a resolute wrangler gains the gunslinger’s deed ability and can access to her 1st level deeds. Every four levels beyond 1st, the resolute wrangler gains access to each subsequent level of deeds (3rd, 7th, etc.), up to 15th level deeds at 17th level. However, the resolute wrangler may choose only two deeds that he knows of each level.

A resolute wrangler swaps seven deeds for the following deeds.

Wrangler’s Resolve (Ex): At 1st level, the resolute wrangler can spend 1 grit point to gain one of the following effects.

The resolute wrangler only gains this deed at 1st level. This deed replaces deadeye, gunslinger’s dodge, and quick clear.

Rope Tricks (Ex): At 5th level (or upon gaining access to 3rd level deeds), a resolute wrangler can utilize a piece of rope in a variety of ways. As long as the resolute wrangler is wielding a rope that is 20 feet in length or more and has at least 1 grit points, he can perform one of the following rope tricks.

This deed replaces the utility shot deed.

Covering Shot (Ex): At 9th level (or upon gaining access to 7th level deeds), whenever a resolute wrangler uses the withdraw action while mounted or adjacent to his mount, he can make a single attack at any point during his movement. If any opponent makes a ranged attack against the resolute wrangler during the withdrawing action, he gains an attack of opportunity against that opponent. This deed replaces the startling shot deed.

Shake It Off (Ex): At 13th level (or upon gaining access to 11th level deeds), once a critical hit has been confirmed against the resolute wrangler, he can spend 1 grit point as to treat the critical hit as a normal hit. This deed replaces the targeting deed.

Vault from the Saddle (Ex): At 17th level (or upon gaining access to 15th level deeds), a resolute wrangler can make a rapid dismount from his current mount onto an adjacent mount, vehicle, or platform as a standard action. If the target space is occupied, the resolute wrangler must make a successful bulrush, grapple, or trip combat maneuver to occupy the space. This deed replaces the slinger's luck deed

This ability, grit, and gunsmithing replace resolve, banner, greater resolve, challenge 3/day, and true resolve.

Resolute Challenge (Ex): This is exactly like the samurai’s challenge ability, except that the resolute wrangler’s ranged attacks deal extra damage when made against the target of his challenge, instead of his melee attacks.

Grit (Ex): At 1st level, the resolute wrangler gains the gunslinger’s grit ability.

Gunsmith (Ex): At 1st level, the resolute wrangler gains the gunslinger’s gunsmith ability.

Order: This is exactly like the samurai ability of the same name. The Order of the Ronin complements the Resolute Wrangler multiclass archetype.

Track (Ex): At 2nd level, a resolute wrangler adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. This ability replaces the samurai’s Heavy Armor Proficiency feat.

Firearm Expertise (Ex): At 3rd level, the resolute wrangler gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the resolute wrangler selects one firearm of his choice. The resolute wrangler can draw the selected weapon as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat. In addition, whenever he threatens a critical hit with the selected weapon, he gains a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll. Finally, his resolute wrangler levels stack with any fighter level he possesses for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats that specifically select his chosen weapon, such as Weapon Specialization. This ability replaces weapon expertise.

Spirited Charge (Ex): At 6th level, a resolute wrangler gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the requirements. Additionally, the resolute wrangler deals double damage when uses a firearm as part of a charge. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.

Relentless Pursuit (Su): At 7th level, a resolute wrangler can harden his body against the stresses of long travel. The resolute wrangler halves the damage caused by hustling and forced marching, and can ignore any fatigue caused by such travel. Once the effect ends, if the resolute wrangler still has any nonlethal damage caused by the hustling or forced march, he becomes fatigued, or exhausted if already fatigued. The resolute wrangler can use this ability for a number of hours per day equal to 1/ his resolute wrangler level. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1–hour increments. This ability replaces challenge 3/day.

Trick Rider (Ex): At 12th level, a resolute wrangler gains Trick Riding as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the requirements. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 12th level.

Find Quarry (Su): At 14th level, as a full-round action, a resolute wrangler can sense whether a well-known creature he can clearly visualize is within a 20-mile radius of his current location, as well as the distance and direction to the creature in relation to him. A resolute wrangler can also discern whether the creature is moving, and its direction, speed, and mode of movement. The radius the resolute wrangler can sense increases by 5 miles for every two levels he has above 14th (to a maximum of a 35-mile radius at 20th level). The resolute wrangler can use this ability once per day. This ability replaces greater resolve.

Mounted Skirmisher (Ex): At 18th level, a resolute wrangler gains Mounted Skirmisher as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the requirements. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 18th level.

Climactic Showdown (Ex): At 20th level, a resolute wrangler picks two deeds that he has access to and that he must spend grit to perform. He can perform these deeds for 1 grit point fewer (minimum 0) than usual, bit only against the target of his challenge. Against all other targets, he must spend the normal number of grit. If the number of grit points to perform a deed is reduced to 0, the resolute wrangler can perform this deed as long as he has at least 1 grit point. If a deed could already be performed as long as he had at least 1 grit point, he can now perform that deed even when he has no grit points.

In addition, once per day as a standard action, a resolute wrangler can enter a climactic showdown with the target of his challenge. Until the end of the challenge, all melee and ranged attacks made against the resolute wrangler by the target of his challenge deal minimum damage. If the target scores a critical hit, it deals critical damage as normal. If the resolute wrangler is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while this ability is in effect, he remains conscious and is not staggered. If the resolute wrangler becomes reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by the target of his climatic showdown challenge, he can spend all of his remaining grit points (minimum 1) to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. This ability replaces last stand.

Wrangler’s Code: As a hired lawman, the resolute wrangler follows a generic code while performing his contractual duties. However, not all resolute wranglers follow the same code, and even those who do, the method by which they go about fulfilling their contracts can vary based upon their own personal philosophies and moral convictions. These convictions and philosophies are often shaped through their upbringing, hardships, and life experiences, resulting in certain traits that are beneficial in their endeavors to hunt down criminals and outlaws on behalf of local authorities. The following codes provide additional guidelines in roleplaying a resolute wrangler. A resolute wrangler must choose one of the following legal codes.

Law Dog: Law dogs dispense justice according to the laws of the land, government, or liege to whom they contractually bound. The law dog is of lawful good, lawful neutral, or lawful evil alignment. Reliability, respect for authority, duty, and adherence to the laws are vital qualities in fulfilling his sworn duty. The law dog strives to fulfill all contracts, and once complete, delivers his quarries to the proper authorities for sentencing and fit punishment. While law dogs live by strict adhere to the law, the way they dispense justice can differ greatly.

Law dogs gain two of the following bonus social traits: affable, ambitious, bruising intellect, charming, civilized, clever wordplay, contagious mettle, friends in high places, gregarious, hardly a fool, inexorable authority, influence, law enforcer, life of toil, natural-born leader, orphaned, prince/princess, supportive, suspicious, trustworthy, truth’s agent, veiled discipline, weathered emissary.

Frontier Judge: Frontier judges dispense justice according to the natural order of things. While neither strict followers nor breakers of the law, they view officially established regulations as guidelines, and not as binding as they fulfill their sworn duties. The frontier judge is of neutral good, neutral, or neutral evil alignment. Mutual compromise, impartiality for or against the law, investigative reasoning, and reliance upon the dictates of their own conscience are important qualities of the frontier judge. Frontier judges, though similar in nature, often differ in their personal philosophy towards crime and punishment.

Frontier judges gain two of the following bonus social traits: amiable, bastard, bruising intellect, bully, calculated bribe, charming, competitive, convincing liar, cynical ear, double speak, fast talker, friend in every town, gregarious, life of toil, mediator, memorable, ordinary, poverty-stricken, orphaned, suspicious, veiled discipline.

Vigilante: Vigilantes believe that those who enforce the laws of the land are lazy or uncaring to effectively punish evildoers, or that their hands are tied by the law. They seek to deliver justice to wrongdoers at their own hands instead of those who are lawfully appointed to do so, and often serve as both judge and punisher. Flexibility, unpredictability, the ability to maintain one’s individual freedom, and the use of unorthodox methods to fulfill a contract are important qualities for the vigilante.

Vigilantes gain two of the following bonus social traits: ambitious, amiable, bastard, bully, calculated bribe, canter, charming, child of the streets, chip on your shoulder, convincing liar, criminal, enemy of slavers, free spirit, friends in low places, grim optimistic, life of toil, mercenary, nonchalant thuggery, ordinary, orphaned, poverty-stricken, savage, secret-keeper, seeker, suspicious, unabashed gall, unpredictable, veiled discipline.

Table: Resolute Wrangler