Eldritch Menagerist (Summoner/Witch)

As the beasts join together for protection and strength in number, so too does the eldritch menagerist surround himself with a pack of eldritch familiars that enhance his understanding and ability to access different aspects of his patron. These familiars, known as associate familiars, form a symbiotic bond with their master, who is able to transfer inimical magic by sacrificing the wellbeing of his loyal, bestial aides to remain inviolate. As his power grows and his link to his familiars strengthens, the eldritch menagerist is even able to take on the forms of his various brood members. (Original Concept by Oceanshieldwolf)

Primary Class: Summoner.

Secondary Class: Witch.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The eldritch menagerist selects three witch skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal summoner class skills. The eldritch menagerist gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The eldritch menagerist is proficient with all simple weapons. An eldritch menagerist is also proficient with light armor. An eldritch menagerist can cast arcane spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, an eldritch menagerist wearing medium or heavy armor, or using a shield, incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass eldritch menagerist still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spellcasting: An eldritch menagerist casts arcane spells drawn from the witch’s spell list, and adds the following summoner spells to that list: 1st level–lesser rejuvenate eidolon*, life conduit†; 2nd level–lesser evolution surge*, lesser restore eidolon#; 3rd level–control summoned monster#, evolution surge*, improved life conduit†, rejuvenate eidolon*, restore eidolon#; 4th level–greater evolution surge*, summoner conduit†, transmogrify*; 5th level–greater life conduit†, greater rejuvenate eidolon*.

An eldritch menagerist also adds the following druid spells to his list: 1st level–summon nature’s ally I; 2nd level–summon nature’s ally II; 3rd level–summon nature’s ally IV; 4th level–summon nature’s ally V; 5th level–summon nature’s ally VII; 6th level–summon nature’s ally VIII.

An eldritch menageristcan cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Eldritch menagerist. The eldritch menagerist otherwise learns and prepares spells as a witch of his eldritch menagerist level. The eldritch menagerist also gains bonus spells for a high Intelligence score. (*Advanced Player’s Guide, #Ultimate Magic, †Ultimate Combat)

Associate Patronage: Starting at 1st level, each menagerie familiar represents a different aspect of his patron. Whenever the eldritch menagerist gains a new menagerie familiar (including the one gained at 1st level), he must select an additional patron associated to that familiar. An associate patron can only be chosen once, and once selected, it cannot be changed. Each of these associate patrons grants the eldritch menagerist access to a wider variety of patron spells. An eldritch menagerist cannot choose an associate patron that is in conflict with his initial patron or another familiar’s associate patron. Whenever the eldritch menagerist prepares his spells each day, he chooses a familiar with which to commune. He can either choose to retain his initial patron, or replace it with the familiar’s associate patron. Once the eldritch menagerist makes this choice, it cannot be changed until the next time he communes with a familiar to regain his daily allotment of spells. The eldritch menagerist is considered to have the spells from his initial patron in his spell list if he fails to select an associate patron in its place.

For example, a 7th-level eldritch menagerist with the Ancestors patron has three menagerie familiars with the deception, healing, and light associate patrons. Each day he may add either his Ancestors patron spells to his spell list, or the patron spells from one of his familiar’s associate patrons. This ability and transference replace monster summon VIII, monster summon IX, and gate.

Menagerie Familiar (Ex): At 1st level, an eldritch menagerist forms a close bond with a familiar of his choice (see Familiars on p.82 of the Core Rulebook). Like other witch’s an eldritch menagerist must commune with his familiar to learn his spells. As the eldritch menagerist gains additional familiars, each familiar stores all of the spells that the eldritch menagerist knows. Therefore, the eldritch menagerist needs only to commune with one of his familiars to prepare his a spell for the day. A menagerie familiar otherwise functions like a witch’s familiar, except with the following changes.

A menagerie familiar is similar to a creature of its kind and type. A familiar’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the eldritch menagerist’s class level and increase as the eldritch menagerist gains levels. The statistics shown on Table: Menagerie Familiar Base Statistics replace the statistics of the creature’s original form, but retains any special abilities, speed modes, etc., not included on the table. In addition, a menagerie familiar receives a pool of evolution points, based on the eldritch menagerist’s class level that can be used to give the menagerie familiar different abilities and powers. Whenever the eldritch menagerist gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of eldritch menagerist. The menagerie familiar also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the menagerie familiar’s forehead, creating a special link between it and its master. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).

As the eldritch menagerist gains levels, he gains additional familiars, creating a menagerie of various familiars that serve and obey his commands. Starting at 3rd level, an eldritch menagerist gains a second menagerie familiar of his choice with 1 Hit Dice. He can add additional familiars to his menagerie when each prior familiar has at least 2 HD. An eldritch menagerist can have as many menagerie familiars as he desires, but no less than two. However, they can have no more than 3 Hit Dice separating them, nor can the total sum of the menagerie’s Hit Dice exceed the Hit Dice shown on Table: Menagerie Base Statistics. Each familiar retains its initial form and all statistics associated with its type. Regardless of the number of familiars in the menagerie, each familiar has the same base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and special abilities, but the rest of the menagerie’s base statistics must be divided between the familiars, including Hit Dice (minimum 1), skill points, number of feats, armor bonus, Str/Dex bonus, evolution pool (but see below), and maximum number of natural attacks. Individual familiars in the menagerie must purchase evolutions separately. A menagerie familiar may not select an evolution that alters it size, except for the new growth evolution (see below).Once an eldritch menagerist decides on the evolutions of an individual familiar, they cannot be changed until the eldritch menagerist gains a level.

Example: A 3rd-level eldritch menagerist can have two familiars. Each familiar has BAB +3, +3 on its two good saves, +1 on its bad save, and an Intelligence of 7. The eldritch menagerist decides to give the first familiar 2 Hit Dice, 6 skill points, one feat, +1 armor bonus, +1 bonus to Strength, 3 evolution points, and a maximum of two attacks. The remaining 1 Hit Dice, 6 skill points, one feat, +1 armor bonus, +1 bonus to Dexterity, 2 evolution points, and maximum of one attack go to the second familiar.

Unlike a summoner’s eidolon(s), the eldritch menagerist’s familiars are not summoned creatures, and therefore, are always present with their master. Each familiar in the menagerie is slain individually when its hit points are reduced to a negative number equal to or greater than its Constitution score. If an eldritch menagerist releases his familiar from service, he may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours to perform in the environment where the new familiar typically lives. This ceremony can also replace a menagerie familiar that has perished. An eldritch menagerist possesses a number of similar summoner abilities, but with slightly different rules as described hereafter. This ability replaces eidolon.

Menagerie Link (Su): This is exactly like the summoner’s life link ability, except that it applies to the eldritch menagerist’s familiar. At 3rd level, an eldritch menagerist can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one familiar in the menagerie at a time. If two or more familiars in the menagerie take enough damage to kill them, the eldritch menagerist can only sacrifice hit points to prevent damage to one of them. The link between an eldritch menagerist and his menagerie is unique. Whenever the eldritch menagerist is affected by a mind-affecting spell or spell-like effect, both the eldritch menagerist and each familiar in the menagerie can be affected. In such cases, the eldritch menagerist makes a single Will save against the spell or effect, but uses the highest save bonus between himself and his menagerie. If it’s successful, the eldritch menagerist and the menagerie are unaffected. If it fails, the eldritch menagerist and his menagerie are each affected simultaneously. If a menagerie familiar is directly affected by a mind-affecting spell or spell-like effect, only that familiar is affected.

In addition, while all familiars in the menagerie are present and within 30 feet of their master, the eldritch menagerist gains a +1 bonus to his caster level on spells and hexes. He also gains a +1 morale bonus on all saving throws against spells and effects that directly target him only. This morale bonus increases by +1 every five levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +4 at 18th level. This ability otherwise functions as and replaceslife link.

Patron: At 1st level, an eldritch menagerist gains the witch’s patron ability and may select from any patron available to other witches.

Summon Nature’s Ally I (Sp): This is exactly like the summoner’s summon monster I ability, except that the eldritch menagerist uses summon nature’s ally instead of summon monster, and can only use up to summon nature’s ally VII, as shown on Table: Eldritch menagerist. Unlike the summoner, an eldritch menagerist can use his summon nature’s ally ability when his menagerie familiars are present, since his menagerie familiars are not summoned creatures. Should the eldritch menagerist have more than one familiar in his menagerie when using her summon nature's ally II ability or casting a summon nature’s ally spell to summon multiple creatures, he receives a –1 penalty on the die roll used to determine the number of creatures that appear (minimum 1). Only one use of this ability can be active at a time.

Menagerie Senses (Su): This is exactly like the summoner’s bond senses ability. An eldritch menagerist can only share the senses of one familiar in his menagerie at a time.

Hex: At 4th level, the eldritch menagerist gains the witch’s hex ability, except that the eldritch menagerist gains a hex at 4th level and every four levels thereafter. At 12th level, whenever an eldritch menagerist could select a hex, he can select a major hex instead. This ability replaces shield ally, transposition, greater shield ally, and merge forms.

Transference (Su): Beginning at 5th level, whenever the eldritch menagerist gains a condition, whether from natural causes or due to the effects of a spell or spell-like ability, he can transfer it to one of his familiars as a move action. Only one condition may be transferred each round. If the eldritch menagerist gains multiple conditions, each condition must be transferred to a separate familiar. Once a condition is transferred, it remains with the familiar until it is removed or ends.

At 5th level, the eldritch menagerist can transfer the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, and staggered conditions to one of his familiars.

At 11th level, an eldritch menagerist adds the cursed, diseased, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, and poisoned conditions to the list of those that can be transferred to a familiar.

At 17th level, an eldritch menagerist adds the blinded, deafened, panicked, paralyzed, and stunned and conditions to the list of those that can be transferred to a familiar.

Menagerist’s Call (Su): This is exactly like the summoner’s maker’s call ability, except that the eldritch menagerist can only call one familiar in the menagerie to his side with each use of this ability. This ability otherwise functions as and replaces maker’s call.

Menagerie Eidolon (Su): At 10th level, as a full-round action, an eldritch menagerist can merge his menagerie familiars into a single creature called a menagerie eidolon. This merger includes all of the menagerie’s different familiars, and their evolutions. While merged in this way, the menagerie functions as a single creature. All effects and spells currently targeting the menagerie or any of its familiars is suspended until they emerge from the menagerie eidolon (although durations continue to expire). The menagerie eidolon has the base statistics (Hit Dice, BAB, saves, etc.) of a normal eidolon of the eldritch menagerist’s level. The eldritch menagerist can, as a free action, reassign these evolution points to new evolutions while the menagerie familiar’s are merged. Once the menagerie eidolon is no longer maintained, the menagerie familiars emerge in a square adjacent to the eidolon if able, and with the same statistics (Hit Dice, BAB, saves, evolutions, etc.) they had prior to the merger. If the (menagerie) eidolon is slain while the menagerie familiars are merged, the familiars are immediately ejected, each taking 4d6 points of damage, and are stunned for 1 round. The eldritch menagerist can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to his eldritch menagerist level. He can end this effect at any time as a swift action. This ability replaces aspect.

Menagerie Bond (Su): This is exactly like the summoner’s life bond ability, except that the eldritch menagerist can only transfer damage to one familiar in the menagerie at a time. If that familiar takes enough damage to kill it, all excess damage remains with the eldritch menagerist, killing him. In addition, the eldritch menagerist may transfer a condition to a familiar as a swift action. If the familiar is the one chosen at 1st level, the eldritch menagerist can now transfer a number of conditions to that familiar equal to his Charisma modifier. This ability otherwise functions as and replaceslife bond.

Menagerie Form (Sp): At 18th level, an eldritch menagerist and his menagerie share a true connection. As a standard action, the eldritch menagerist can assume the shape of one of the familiars in his menagerie from Diminutive to Huge size (or a similar kind of animal) as if using beast shape III. For example, an eldritch menagerist with a rat familiar can turn into a Diminutive rat, Small dire rat, or a larger rodent; one with a cat familiar can turn into a Diminutive or Small cat, or a Large feline such as a tiger, lion, or dire tiger; one with a monkey familiar can turn into a Tiny monkey or a Large gorilla, and so on. 

While in this form, the eldritch menagerist loses any natural attacks and all racial traits (except bonus feats, skills, and languages) in favor of the abilities granted by the familiar’s base form. However, the eldritch menagerist retains all of his class features, hit points, AC, ability scores, and any other abilities unaffected by size or creature type. These statistics are then adjusted according to the size and type of his assumed form. He can choose to have any gear that he carries become absorbed by his new form, as with spells from the polymorph subschool. Items with continuous effects continue to function while absorbed in this way. The menageries witch can keep this animal form for a number of minutes per day equal to his eldritch menagerist level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. The eldritch menagerist can end this effect as a free action. This ability replaces greater aspect.

Master Menagerist (Su): At 20th level, an eldritch menagerist can greatly enhance his menagerie by making one of his familiars more powerful. The eldritch menagerist chooses one of the familiars in his menagerie. The familiar then gains 5 extra Hit Dice (up to a maximum of 10 HD). Its base statistics are recalculated as a menagerie familiar of its new Hit Dice, and the familiar continues to function as part of the witch’s menagerie. In effect, the menagerie’s maximum total Hit Dice increases to 20, with the 5 extra Hit Dice added to a single familiar of the eldritch menagerist’s choice. This ability replaces twin eidolon.

Hexes: The following hexes complement the eldritch menagerist multiclass archetype: beast of ill-omen#, cackle*, charm*, feral speech#, flight*, unnerve beasts#, and ward*. (*Advanced Player’s Guide, #Ultimate Magic)

Major Hexes: The following major hexes complement the eldritch menagerist multiclass archetype: beast eye#, and hag’s eye*. (*Advanced Player’s Guide, #Ultimate Magic)

Table: Eldritch Menagerist