
Goddess of Black Magic and Dark Rituals (Witch 20/Wizard [Necromancer] 20)

The Black Witch, The Curser of Souls, The Red Scourge

Portfolio Dark magic, necromancy, undead, curses, disease

Typical Worshipers Dark clerics, necromancers, sorcerer, witches, wizards

Typical Worshiper Alignment Neutral Evil

Domains Death, Evil, Magic, Rune, Travel

Symbol Skull with a red pentagram

Favored Weapon Scorpion whip

Alternative Names Aunvalna (drow), Shiraksha (orcs) 

Arcana (ar-KAHN-uh) appears as an alluring human female. However, on closer inspection she is rather decrepit in appearance, with sunken black eyes, a pale and gaunt face, and sickly pale hair, while in her clawed hands she carries a large black leather bound tome with runes and dark arcane symbols of power. It is rumored that it has been written with the blood of sentient victims, and contains many unknown evil and vile spells that she presents as rewards to her most faithful supporters. She is always garbed in black and purple hooded robes with silver and red symbols. These robes function as robes of the archmagi, robe of bones (tough human zombie, plague ogre zombie), robe of runes (20 spell levels per day), and a witching gown. She also wears a set of silver bracers that grant the deathless, putrid and staunching armor special qualities. 

In battle, Arcana wields a +5 ghost touch unholy wounding scorpion whip that also functions as a void scythe, hellscourge, screaming bolt, and a sword of life stealing. She also uses her hexes and necromantic spells to deadly effect. 

Arcana is the deity of black magic, dark rituals, curses, and necromancy. A cunning and lusty goddess, she is black to the heart, encouraging her followers to corrupt all magic with the dark arts, and to curse those who war against her and edicts. Arcana is antithesis to and rival of Shi’ar, the god of knowledge and magic. While Shi’ar is one who perpetuates the purity of magic and arcane knowledge, Arcana perpetuates the corruption of the pure art, resulting in dark and twisted variations of spells and effects.