Abyssal Pact

The pactbound thaumatheurge has forged a pact with a vile demon from the abyssal horde, such as a balor, glabrezu, or even a demon lord. In so doing, the pactbound thaumatheurge gains demonic powers which allow him to rend his foes with vicious claws, summon form minor demons, resist certain energy attacks, or transform into a creature of abyss himself. The abyssal pact consists of the Abyssal bloodline and the Destruction domain.

Code of Conduct: An Abyssal pactbound thaumatheurge must be of evil alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if he ever willingly commits a good act. Additionally, his code requires that he seek out agents of good and strive to trick, harm, or slaughter them.

Class Skill: You add the Abyssal bloodline’s class skill to your list of skills.

Channeling: Your pact grants you the ability to channel demonic energies that harrow up the wracking pains of the impenitent. The amount of damage dealt from this internal torment is 1d4 points of damage plus 1d4 points of damage every two pactbound thaumatheurge levels beyond 1st (2d4 at 3rd, 3d4 at 5th, and so on).

In addition, each target that is hit must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your pactbound thaumatheurge level + your Charisma modifier) or become sickened for 1 round. At 8th level, on a failed save, the target becomes sickened for 1 round per pactbound thaumatheurge level. A successful save reduces this to being sickened 1 round. At 15th level, on a failed save, the target becomes nauseated for 1 round per pactbound thaumatheurge level. A successful save reduces this to being sickened for 1 round. This otherwise functions like the cleric’s channel energy ability.

Pact Spells: You gain two pact spells of each level from 1st-9th, and add both your Abyssal bloodline spells and Destruction domain spells to your spell list.

Pact Powers: Your pact grants you a great many powers of an abyssal origin. The entities of the abyssal planes are watching you and strive to aid you in your struggle against all that is good and right. At each level that you receive a pact power, you can choose between one of the two presented powers, or you gain the indicated individual power.

At 1st level, you may select either the Claws bloodline power or the Destructive Smite domain power as your pa