Dr. Beck-Style Guide: Shi-Nek
Shi-neks are itty-bitty undead slug-foot-things that form when wendigo feet burn off... yeah. One of the stranger ideas I've ever had. Anyway...
Shi-neks are itty-bitty undead slug-foot-things that form when wendigo feet burn off... yeah. One of the stranger ideas I've ever had. Anyway...
Racial Traits:
Racial Traits:
Ability Scores: Shi-neks gain a +2 bonus to ALL of their mental scores, as well as a hidden +2 to Dexterity from their size. So what's the downside? An absolutely massive -6 to their Strength. Shi-neks are never going to excel as melee combatants, but they're decent at range, and they shine as any spellcaster. Since they're undead, they don't have a