Cold Terrain
Wild Marks
A wild aegis with Cold as his favored terrain chooses from the following wild marks.
Aurora Borealis: The wild aegis can create a shimmer of scintillating colors in the target’s square. The target must make a successful Will save or become dazzled for 1 round per level of the wild aegis.
Arctic Winds: The wild aegis can create a blast of freezing air in the target’s square. The target must make a successful Fortitude save or take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to 2d6 + 1/2 the wild aegis’s level and become fatigued for 1 round per level of the wild aegis.
Frostbite: The wild aegis’s touch chills the target to the bone. The wild aegis must succeed on a melee touch attack to deal 2d6 points of cold damage to the target. The target must make a successful Fortitude save or take 1 point of temporary Dexterity damage for 1 round per level of the wild aegis.
Frozen Tundra: The wild aegis can create difficult terrain in the form of rough, ice-covered tundra. The space he occupies and all of the squares adjacent to him become difficult terrain for 1 round per wild aegis level. Creatures in these squares, except the wild aegis, must make a Reflex save or be knocked prone.
Ice Shards: The wild aegis can create a ray of freezing ice shards from his hand. The wild aegis must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to the target. The ray deals cold and piercing damage equal to 2d6 + 1/2 the wild aegis’s level.